How to Secure a Domestic Violence Protection Order in Washington State

If you have found yourself in an unhealthy, abusive, or unsafe living situation with a current or former spouse, dating partner, family member, or household member, it’s natural for you to feel anxious and worried about your safety. Fortunately, Washington state offers several types of legal protections to survivors of domestic violence to shield them from further harm at the hands of their abusers. Domestic violence protection orders (DVPOs) can be put into place by the civil court and provide critical protection for survivors of domestic abuse, especially during times of intense stress or vulnerability (such as a divorce, legal separation, or child custody battles). Enlisting the guidance of an experienced and caring Vancouver attorney is the best way to ensure that you obtain the protections you need to move forward into a safer and more stable future. This post will provide you with information on filing a domestic violence protection order in Clark County and some of the steps you can expect to take along the way.

What is a Domestic Violence Protection Order?

Essentially, a DVPO is a type of civil protection order that prohibits the respondent (the abuser) from contacting the petitioner (the survivor) in any way, including via text or social media. Once a DVPO is put into place, the respondent is legally prohibited from engaging in specific behaviors (which can be tailored to suit the petitioner’s individual circumstances and needs). For instance, the terms of the DVPO may compel the respondent to vacate the shared residence and surrender the possession of all firearms or dangerous weapons. If the respondent violates the terms of the DVPO at any time, they could face criminal penalties, including mandatory arrest, potential felony charges, or other legal consequences.

Where Can I Find an Application For a Domestic Violence Protection Order?

In an effort to make petitions for civil protection orders more accessible, those looking for legal protection can locate the necessary information and forms online. You can also find hard copies of these petitions at the Superior Court Clerk’s Office in Clark County. If you have any questions about the filing process or if you want to learn more about how to file a domestic violence restraining order in the greater Vancouver area, reach out to a knowledgeable and highly qualified attorney for support.

Learn More About Domestic Violence Protection Orders Today

DVPOs are civil orders that require abusers to cease violent behavior or face legal consequences. Whether you are seeking temporary orders for immediate protection (as in, you have a legitimate reason to fear that you are in imminent danger) or were served a Petition for a domestic violence protection order, seeking the guidance of a seasoned Vancouver family law and criminal defense lawyer can help you pursue your goals. Protection orders usually require a court hearing in order for the court to issue them, and your attorney can help you prepare to navigate this step.

If you need help obtaining a domestic violence protection order or other legal protections to ensure your safety in Vancouver or Clark County, call The Vern McCray Law Firm, PLLC, as soon as possible at (360) 834-6262 to discuss your options with an experienced and caring family law attorney.

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